Permanent Yield designs & installs regenerative, ecologically supportive landscapes utilizing the permaculture framework

About Permanent Yield Design

Imagine living in a world where we all have access to nutritious food and clean water. Where the separation between humans and nature has been dissolved and we live harmoniously interconnected. Where families and communities are brought together to celebrate and share in the abundance. Where the beauty of nature is woven into every aspect of our lives. This is the world Permanent Yield is driven to build.

At Permanent Yield, we design and install regenerative, ecologically supportive landscapes using the permaculture framework. We understand that the path to a sustainable future lies in reconnecting with the rhythms of the natural world and fostering a deep sense of community.

Our designs prioritize the use of native plants, low-maintenance systems, and a deep
commitment to functionality and long-term resilience. Whether your goal is to create a thriving homestead, start a food forest, revitalize an ecosystem, or establish a bountiful garden, we have the design solutions to bring your vision to life.

By embracing the principles of permaculture, we help our clients establish landscapes that work in harmony with the local environment and honor the unique spirit of the land. Our holistic approach ensures the long-term health and productivity of the land, creating spaces that are not only beautiful, but also resilient and self-sustaining.

Permaculture Design

We begin each project by establishing a clear understanding of your vision and goals for the landscape. Whether your aim is to start a homestead, grow your own food, support local biodiversity, or transform neglected land into a vibrant oasis, we work closely with you to turn your goals into reality. 

Our design process involves a thorough analysis of the land, taking into account factors such as water flow patterns, native ecology, weather patterns, topography, and soil quality. By deeply understanding the inherent characteristics and capabilities of the site, we are able to create a design that seamlessly blends your goals with what the land can naturally provide.

Permaculture Design by Permanent Yield Design

Each design is unique to the client and landscape. Elements of design can include:

  • Food and Medicine Production – Perennial and annual food systems, food forests, vegetable gardens, medicinal herb gardens, pollinator gardens, native flower gardens, agroforestry, and mushroom cultivation
  • Water Management – Catching and storing the rainwater allows us to recharge the groundwater. Leading to more resilient landscapes and less watering requirements. Some design elements we utilize to accomplish this are: rain gardens, water catchment systems, ponds, and rainwater diversion systems.
  • Native Ecosystem Regeneration – Supporting the native wildlife is paramount for a healthy ecosystem. We strive to incorporate keystone native plant species into our designs in an act of reciprocity with nature. Every design takes into account the need for food, shelter, and water for wildlife as well as humans.
Ecological Landscaping Design installation by Permanent Yield
Design Installation

We offer installation services to South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina. From full scale design implementation to garden bed installation. For installation services outside of these regions we partner with a network of permaculture landscape professionals that can service all regions of the United States. For installation services outside the United States, please contact us directly.


We offer on and off-site consultations for clients in the following areas:

  • Garden Beds Design and Optimization
  • Organic Nutrient Recommendations
  • Pest and Disease Control
  • Biodynamic Agriculture
  • Rainwater Catchment and Management
  • Permaculture System Maintenance
  • Site Assessment
  • Homesteading
  • Mushroom Cultivation
  • Native Plant Landscaping
Sacred Space Creation
Sacred Space Creation by Permanent Yield Design

We understand that each piece of land is sacred and has its own unique energy and story to tell. We can assist in creating a space that honors the sacredness of the land, fostering a deeper connection between humans and nature. Through the integration of ancient and modern teachings, we design landscapes that serve as sanctuaries for meditation, contemplation, healing, and communal celebration. A sacred space creates an environment that invites you to slow down, quiet the mind, and immerse yourself in the rhythms of the earth.

Meet Ben

Ben Sinderman | Founder of Permanent Yield

From a young age, I was immersed in the world of plants. My brother and I would spend weekends with our parents at the nursery, eagerly searching for new additions to our yard. Those experiences planted the seed for my passion in working with the land, setting me on a long and diverse journey.
In that journey, I explored many different forms of agriculture , from conventional farms to organic farms, and even conducted research at a hydroponic facility. Throughout this exploration, I was driven to find a better way for humans and nature to interact harmoniously. I yearned to discover an approach where we could work with nature, rather than exploiting it solely for our own benefit.
It was after receiving my Permaculture Design Certification that I found one of tools I had been seeking – permaculture. This holistic framework resonated deeply with me, offering a path towards creating the solution I had envisioned.

Through my work, I have developed a profound respect for the wisdom that can be found by working in harmony with nature. I have come to understand that nature possesses its own language and intelligence, a profound knowledge that we can tap into if we choose to listen and observe.

When we shift our perspective and view nature as an extension of ourselves, rather than something separate or to be conquered, we unlock the true potential for creating abundant and harmonious landscapes. It is this realization that has fueled my passion for sharing my knowledge in permaculture, regenerative agriculture, and biodynamic agriculture with clients.
By fostering a deeper relationship with the land, we can move towards becoming true stewards of the earth. We can learn to work with nature’s rhythms and cycles, harnessing its inherent wisdom to create sustainable and thriving ecosystems that benefit both humans and the environment.

My Mission is to re-establish the interconnection between humans and nature through permaculture and regenerative design

"We need to make use of a deeper spiritual insight in order to discover what these increasingly unreliable instincts are now less and less able to supply. In order to do this, we have to commit ourselves to a much broader way of looking at the life of plants and animals, and also at the life of Earth itself. We must widen our outlook to include the cosmos.”

—  Rudolf Steiner Agriculture

What is Permaculture? Permaculture is the conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive ecosystems which have the diversity, stability, and resilience of natural ecosystems

—  Bill Mollison
Service Locations

Based in Charleston, South Carolina and serving clients globally.

Design Services offered globally. Installation Services offered in South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina. For installation services outside of these regions we partner with a network of permaculture landscape professionals that can service all regions of the United States. For installation services outside the United States, please contact us directly.


Monday through Friday


Phone: (980) 313-4502
Questions? Email Us

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